Are you the right carer to help Surrey deliver its Carers Strategy?

Start-up of Surrey Carers Partnership Board – Invitation to be a member
Following the setting of the Surrey Carers Strategy in 2021, a new Surrey Carers Partnership Board will begin meeting from May 2022.
Its remit is to promote, champion and deliver the improvements to carers lives set out in the strategy, working across the whole of the health and social care system in Surrey and the wider determinants of health and social care (for example education and housing) as they impact carers.
The Board will lead the delivery and future development of the Joint Surrey Carers Programme and hold to account the Joint Surrey Carers Commissioning Group in the delivery of carer support services to be delivered from 1 April 2022.
Who’s on the Board
It is based on strong carer involvement and representation, being led by two Carer Co-chairs, with half of the membership from carers/ carer led organisations.
Carers’ voices and lived experience are to be at the heart of its activities with carers involved in scrutiny and co-design and co-production of carer support services.
Members needed
Representation is sought from carers with a range of experience and viewpoint:
- One representative for disabled carers – those with a disability, perhaps for adults or young people with disabilities
- One representative for carers of those with sensory disability
- One representative for carers of those with physical disability
- One representative for carers of those with mental health
Could you join the Board?
Is this something you would like to do?
It would mean attending, either virtually or perhaps face-to-face, two-hour meetings, four to six times per year.
Your role would include the following:
- reading the Board papers circulated ahead of the meeting
- listening to service providers, commissioners or carer representatives talking about aspects of the health and care system
- asking questions about what you have heard and giving feedback from your own experiences
- taking part in decision-making as how to go forward on discussed topics.
The initial term of membership would likely be for two years
This is an opportunity to ensure carers’ voices are genuinely heard, and to improve carers’ lives across Surrey.
If this appeals to you please contact Yasmin Broome, Involvement Lead, Surrey Coalition of Disabled People on 0745 526 7424 or email her [email protected]