Surrey Young Carers record podcasts talking about their caring role and keeping themselves safe

At our recent ‘Your Life, Your Choice’ event, our young carers created ‘podcasts’, together brain-storming, then writing and performing audio recordings.
The theme was ‘keeping yourself safe’. The event overall was about how to make good choices in life, including keeping safe and away from trouble. Young carers are particularly vulnerable because they can be socially isolated and under pressure, emotionally and financially.
Working with the inspiring creatives from Collaborate Digital the aim was to help young carers talk about their roles, reflect on what they had learned and enjoy creating with their peers.
The young people worked in two groups.
Respect for each other
The younger carers (up to 11 years old) created recordings based around respect for each other and staying safe. Listen to them below:
How to keep safe
In the afternoon, young carers (aged 12-14) created their recordings, which were more ‘advertorials’ warning other young carers about how to stay safe, from dangers like knife crime and gang pressure. Listen to them below:
Great work all round
Congratulations to all the young carers for such inspiring and professional productions! And thanks too to Collaborate Digital and the other professionals involved in the day.
You can read more about the event below: