What do you think of of our website? It's important to us that unpaid carers in Surrey can use it to find the help they need. Does it work for you? We have an exceptionally short survey (3 questions) and would be very grateful for your input. Thank you!

How's our website?

Need support?

We have support available for all Surrey's carers. Young carers, adult carers, professionals who work with carers, simply click below to find the information which is right for you.

Learn more
young carer in anorak
elderly man in orange shirt
girl blowing bubbles

FREE wellbeing and information events, both face-to-face and online

Pile of stones on a beach

Mindfulness Session

Take some time for yourself. Join us for a mindfulness session where we will practise techniques to promote wellbeing and reduce stress.

Zoom digital event
Self Funded workshop for unpaid carers in Surrey

Financial advice for later life: Addlestone

Come along to our Addlestone Hub for free advice from a specialist advisor on your finances, when thinking about future planning for yourself and you loved ones


Latest News

What's happening at Action for Carers and the wider caring world...

Action for Carers Moving and Handling team

Happy Birthday Moving and Handling service!

Action for Carers Surrey's pioneering Moving and Handling is celebrating its 25th birthday this year. The supports carers across all of Surrey with looking after their backs and learning how to move and handle the person they care for safely and correctly.

Adult carers
Carers UK Report into Carers Allowance repayments

Carers Allowance Overpayments

Carers UK shares new report into Carers Allowance Overpayments and what must be done and seeks Surrey carers to share their experiences

Adult carers
Young adult carers access to higher education

Support for Unpaid Student Carers in Higher Education

It's common for student carers to feel that their caring role might hinder their prospects of attending university due to financial concerns, worries about balancing studies with their caring responsibilities, or concerns about who would take over their caregiving duties in their absence.

Adult carers

Helping Surrey's unpaid carers aged 5-95

We offer Surrey's carers all sorts of free support. Our expert teams provide information and advice, run support groups and events and more.


unpaid adult carers, plus another 2000+ aged 5-17, were supported by us in 2022. But we know there are many more carers in Surrey. Please register with us for support.


phone calls were made in 2022 by our friendly and expert Helpline staff to carers in need. We're here for you if you're an unpaid carer in Surrey.


adult carers attended one of our 871 events in 2022, either face-to-face or on line. We've always got lots going on, please take a look at what's on offer over the next few weeks!

Every carer has a story...

There are more than 115,000 carers living in Surrey. They come from all walks of life and range in age from 5 to 95.

Man standing inside

Read Hasu's story

Hasu gave up a highly successful, international business in order to care for his wife and son. He thinks it's really important to ask for support when you need it.


Read Sriya's story

Sriya looks after her elderly grandparents. She found it hard to manage all the extra responsibilities, but is doing well, and says that being a carer is very much part of who she is.

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