Mental health services consultation for patients and carers

Mental health services in Surrey
If you, or someone you know has used any of the mental health and wellness services listed below in the last two years, then SCC and the NHS in Surrey want to hear your views on MH services.
Community Connections (Catalyst, Oakleaf, Canterbury Care, Woking Mind, Guildford Action, Oakleaf, Creative Response, Voluntary Action South West Surrey, Voluntary Support North Surrey, ESDAS, Reigate Stepping Stones, YMCA East Surrey, Hope Hub, Mary Frances Trust, Richmond Fellowship); Safe Havens; In-Reach; Mental Health Citizens Advice Service
Sign up to an online or in person session to share your views. In person:
- Monday 4 July, 1.30-3.30pm. Moorcroft Community Centre, Old School Pl, Westfield, Woking GU22 9PB
- Friday 8 July, 10-12pm Park House, Randalls Road, Leatherhead, KT22 0AH
Online (choose the right session(s) for you):
- Thursday 30 June – In-Reach: 2-3.30pm
- Wednesday 6 July – Community Connections: 7.30-9pm
- Wednesday 13 July – Safe Havens: 1- 2.30pm
To sign up, email [email protected]