Make a Christmas wreath at home

Zoom digital event
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Join us on Zoom to make a decoration for your door or table. Sign up soon, so we have time to send you the base (for FREE) and ideas for what else to use. NOW FULLY BOOKED.

Make a Christmas wreath at home

Join us on Zoom to create a festive wreath for the front door or table using foliage from the garden.

Lynis Williams,  Chair of Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group, will show us how to create a decoration using materials which can be gathered from your garden or are easy to find locally. Lynis holds the Area Teacher Qualification from the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.

We’ll send you the wreath base and some florist’s ribbon (for FREE) , and some ideas for what materials to use.

How to join us for this event…

To book your place, please complete the ‘I am interested in this event’ form below – but please note that the places are limited.

This will be a video meet up using Zoom and is open to all our registered carers although spaces are limited.

If you’ve not used Zoom before, we have a handy guide below which will talk you through it.

Download Zoom guide


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