Coping with Caring – Transition to adulthood for a young person with autism or learning disability
A session on transition for carer of young people who are autistic or have a learning disability, with Space 2 B You.
Coping with Caring – Transition to adulthood for a young person with autism or learning disability
Marie-Anne Mckee, from Space 2 B You, will be leading this online session for those caring for a young person with autism and/or a learning disability.
We will be looking at the transition to adulthood.
Marie-Anne Mckee is a psychotherapist and Director of Space 2 B You.
How to join us for this event…
To book your place, please complete the ‘I am interested in this event’ form below – but please note that the places are limited.
Please note that this is a video event using Zoom, you will be sent the access code ahead of the session.
For information on how to use Zoom, please have a look at the handy guide below.