Carers' Information Fair: Leatherhead Community Hub, Leatherhead

Come along to our Carers' Information Fair at Leatherhead Community Hub, Leatherhead, to meet ACS staff and a raft of other useful organisations, to find out how we can help you as a carer. Marking Carers' Rights Day 2022.
Carers’ Fair: Leatherhead Community Hub, Leatherhead
(NB LOCATION AND PARKING This Hub is situated on the Kingston Road and is also accessible via the rear of the building (where you’ll find parking). So if driving, turn down Aperdele Road, take the first right and follow the lane all the way around the recreation ground.)
It’s Carers’ Rights Day on 24th November, a chance to raise awareness of unpaid carers and their rights to support, so we’re holding a week of special events, with Carers’ Information Fairs taking place at our Hubs across the county.
Come along to our Carers’ Information Fair at Leatherhead Community Hub, Leatherhead, to meet ACS staff and find out how we can help you as a carer, plus a range of other charities and local organisations.
You’ll be able to ask questions – practical, financial and legal – about your caring role, as well as get general support, advice and information.
Attending organisations
Meet our Action for Carers teams supporting carers of all ages, and other organisations including Sight for Surrey, Surrey Welfare Rights Unit Young Person’s Benefit Advisor, National Autistic Society, and Move Valley Family Centre.
If you’re a professional, join us to find out how we can work together to support carers.
No need to book; just come along, but do get in touch if you have any queries beforehand.