SCC seek your views as they balance their budget for 2024/25

Surrey County Council are asking residents to give their views on the council’s proposed budget for 2024/25, including what services might need to have reduced funding.
The majority of SCC’s budget is spent on looking after those who need the most support, through Adult Social Care and Children’s Services.
People who don’t need this support are more likely to be aware of the more public services, such as roads, libraries, recycling facilities etc. Other key services include Surrey Fire & Rescue, Trading standards, and environmental services.
Financial pressures
Major challenges face the local government sector and society more widely, including high inflation and increased needs, meaning there are considerable pressures on SCC’s budget.
Do you agree with the budget?
Please read their proposed budget and then share your views. Are the priorities right? Is the focus where you think it needs to be as a carer in Surrey?
This survey will close on 5th January.