Caring to the End

Caring to the End
A new resource to support unpaid carers
Surrey County Council, the NHS and partners have created a new website for carers who are caring for someone who is reaching the end of their life.
Called ‘Caring to the End’, the website brings together information you may need to know as a carer currently caring for someone with a terminal illness, from their diagnosis through to the end of their life.
Practical, legal and financial
The website offers practical, legal and financial information for those who are caring for a loved one, offers advice on coping with grief and where to go for support after caring for a loved one at end of life. There are sections offering tailored advice and guidance, including for parent carers and young carers.
SCC and the NHS worked with carers and former carers to get their input into the site.
Find it here:
Action for Carers’ support
Action for Carers’ Carer Information Centre can also advise and support our registered carers, whose loved one is reaching the end of life – please get in touch on 0303 040 1234, or email [email protected] We also have further information and activities available for our carers who have been bereaved. More here.