Moving and Handling: Looking after yourself and your back Woking

It's important to take care of your back as a carer. Join our Moving and Handling experts for tips on looking after your back, and yourself.
Moving and Handling: Looking after yourself and your back
Our Moving and Handling team can help you take care of YOUR back.
Yes, they provide expert advice on moving the person you care for, BUT they can also offer you back care advice even if you don’t help your cared-for physically.
Many of us get stiff backs, maybe from bad posture, or doing tasks (like washing the dishes) the wrong way.
Looking after you
This back care session at our Woking Hub is all about you and your back.
You’ll get simple and effective tips on keeping your back strong and avoiding pain and injury. This is a fun, friendly and relaxed session – which should really make a difference to how you feel.
How to join us for this event…
If you’d like to join us, simply fill in the ‘I am interested in this event’ form below and we’ll come back to you as soon as we can – spaces are limited though and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.