Mental health carer support group: caring for young people (aged 16-25)

We know caring for young people with mental health issues isn't easy. Join us for support.
Mental health carer support group: caring for young people (aged 16-25)
We know it’s very difficult if you are concerned about a young person’s mental health. Come and meet others in similar situations, improve your understanding and develop positive coping strategies.
Join Action for Carer’s Rachel Brennan, to exchange ideas with other carers and find out about the support available.
Note that this group is for carers looking after this younger age-group, but we also have a separate group for carers supporting someone above this age. Find out more here.
This will be a video meet up using Zoom and is open to all our registered carers although spaces are limited.
If you’ve not used Zoom before, we have a handy guide below which will talk you through it.
How to join us for this event…
If you’d like to join us, simply fill in the ‘I am interested in this event’ form below and we’ll come back to you as soon as we can – spaces are limited though and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.