Making an emergency care plan

If you couldn't look after the person you usually care for, who would step in, and what would they need to know? Join us to consider how to make a plan for emergencies.
Emergency care planning
Part of the role of a carer is often to think ahead, and having a plan for emergencies can help. It’s especially vital at this difficult time and Action for Carers can help you think through what you’ll need.
An Emergency Plan is a really useful document where you put all the information about your caring role in one place. So should you become unwell yourself, or be unable to care for whatever reason, it’s clear exactly what needs to be done if somebody else needs to take over. Having a plan can also help you feel less worried.
We’ve devised an emergency planning form, to help you consider and record what someone needs to know, and who can help. Join Rachel Brennan, Adult Carers Support Manager, to explore what you need to cover.
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