Dementia Information Day

Join ACS staff, specialist Dementia experts, and other carers at our special Dementia event. It will include a chance to 'experience' Dementia in a special training vehicle, as well as specialist talks.
Special event for carers of people with Dementia
Caring for someone with Dementia brings its own set of particular challenges.
Join our special day long event, on Friday 17th May at ACS’s office in Burpham near Guildford. We will have the Dementia Bus, experts to chat with, talks to help you.
There are several activities available on the day.
Dementia Bus
Firstly, you can have a session on the Dementia Experience Bus (provided by ‘Training for Care’.
Come and walk in the shoes of someone with dementia, and experience for a few minutes what dementia can feel like. It can really open up your understanding.
The Bus will be at our building between 9.30am and 4pm. (You must book a slot, see below.)
Talk to experts
You can meet and chat with a range of experts for more support and information. They include:
- ACS staff;
- Darren Stiff Financial Adviser (SOLLA);
- Carer Practice Advisors from SCC’s Adult Social Care;
- AGE UK Surrey;
- Scam Awareness team
- and more.
Dementia talks
We’ll be running talks on a rotating basis, across the day, as follows:
Age UK: Planning for the future– on at 11am and 1.30pm
Playlist for life – on at 10am, 12 midday and 2.30pm
This session will look at the evidence of music’s role in wellbeing, and how to make your own playlist.
It’s vital that you register to attend, as the Bus can only take a certain amount of visitors at a time, so slots must be booked.
So, if you’d like to join us, simply fill in the ‘I am interested in this event’ form below and we’ll come back to you as soon as we can.
If you’d rather book by phone, call on 0303 040 1234, pressing option 3.