Consultation on carer experiences of Surrey's Home Care services

Are you or the person you're caring for receiving care from a care agency provided on behalf of Surrey County Council's Adult Social Care department?
Consultation on carer experience of Surrey’s Home Care service
Surrey is looking at the future of these services and which agencies will provide them from 2021. Join us to share your experience, thoughts, opinions and ideas. This is your chance to talk to senior Surrey staff and look at what’s working well and what could be improved.
Join Action for Carers and senior Surrey staff to give your experience of the Home Care service. This is your opportunity to share your thoughts, opinions and ideas with Andrew Price, Senior Commissioning Manager, Adult Social Care and Sue Senior, Project Manager, Health, Wellbeing & Adult Social Care.
We’ll be asking carers: What’s going well? What’s not going well? and what can be improved?
How to join us for this event…
To book your place, please complete the ‘I am interested in this event’ form below – but please note that the places are limited.
This is a video event using Zoom, you will be sent the access code ahead of the session.
For information on how to use Zoom, please have a look at the handy guide below.
Using Zoom with Action for Carers