Because Carers Count - training for Surrey professionals: January

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Free online training for people working in health, social care, education or other settings in Surrey who meet unpaid carers in the course of their work

Because Carers Count

Action for Carers runs this free course monthly for professionals to better understand how to identify, support and refer carers.

Carer-aware-training-badgeThey are open to anyone working in Surrey who is involved directly or indirectly with any form of service, support or intervention where they might encounter unpaid family and friend carers. This includes volunteers, as well as paid employees.

The aim is to improve the wider understanding of people working in Surrey to help them better identify, support and refer carers, ensure good practice, and help carers’ legal and statutory rights be met.

Course content

Our training includes the following content, and covers carers of all ages (5+):

  • insight into carers’ lives, their need for equality of opportunity and support
  • latest facts and figures about carers and the impact of caring
  • first-hand accounts from carers about the difficulties they face and how they would like to be supported
  • an understanding of how to establish effective relationships with carers and an appreciation of their viewpoint
  • The importance of taking a ‘whole family’ approach
  • The impact of caring upon young carers and its effect on their life chances
  • The legal rights carers in relation to The Care Act and Children & Families Act
  • The role of the NHS and other key stakeholders in supporting adult and young carers including relevant local policies and toolkits including social prescribing
  • Best practice in developing personalised support for carers and families at all stages of their journey.
  • Details of the services available for carers in Surrey

A really useful, informative, thought provoking and emotional day.

Professional participant

Further information

Please note this course runs monthly. We also have regular training aimed at staff in Surrey’s schools. We can also provide tailored training on request, for example for GP Practice staff.

If you’ve any queries about the course, or our training offer overall, please email [email protected]

How to join us for this event…

To book your place, please complete the ‘I am interested in this event’ form below – but please note that the places are limited.

Please note that this is a video event using Zoom, you will be sent the access code ahead of the session.

For information on how to use Zoom, please have a look at the guide below.

Download Zoom guide

I am interested in this event

Let us know if you would like to attend this event by filling in the form below.
  • Privacy Note: Your information will be processed securely and in line with current data protection legislation. Our Privacy Policy explains why Action for Carers (Surrey) collects your personal data, how we use it, who we may share it with, and sets out your rights in relation to your data. You can find our Privacy Policy at and we recommend that you read it before you complete this form.

  • Please ensure you have included either your phone number or email address so we can contact you about this event!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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