Young Carers' Rights – Making them Real

Professionals, Young adult carers, Young carers
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It is over six years since important new rights were introduced for young carers by the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Care Act 2014. Sadly these rights do not feel real to many young carers. This is most concerning at a time when pressures on these children and young people have been greatly increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Health and Care Bill currently before Parliament, is designed to support better coordination between health and social care. However, this will really only work well if the needs of carers (both adult and young carers) are properly taken into account.

Demands from the Young Carers National Voice

Young carers from our Surrey Young Carers service are part of the national body, Young Carers National Voice. Together these young carers from across England are asking for their needs to be addressed in the new legislation. They also want to see steps from Government to check that existing young carers rights are made real, and to work with councils and others to see that this happens.

They have produced a new report, Young Carers’ Rights – Making them real. This outlines both their concerns and what they want to see happening: with the Health and Social Care Bill, within schools and colleges, in training for professionals, and in assessments and young carers’ services.

Young Carers’ Rights

Please read and share the report. Together we can work towards making young carers’ rights real.

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