News for you

A round up of the local - and national - news affecting carers

BBC Sarah interviews two young carers at home

Surrey Young Carers on BBC Morning Live

Thanks to Sarah and the team from BBC Morning Live for coming and interviewing and filming some of our young carers to highlight their roles and all that they do, as part of YCAD.

Young adult carers

Spring Budget – an opportunity missed

Carer charities react to the Spring Budget, which once again fails to offer the UK's unpaid carers any targeted support, despite many being in huge financial crisis.

Adult carers

It's just what we do

New report from Carers Trust shows how much pressure young, and young adult carers are under, in advance of Young Carers Action Day.

Parent carers

Time to Talk Day

Time to Talk Day, 2nd February, encourages us all to have conversations where we're free to talk about our mental health. In Surrey, there are 'Tea and Talk' sessions happening. Why not pop along?

Adult carers
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